| 1. | We are not a lender of last resort or a liquidity funder.
| 2. | The IMF acts as a lender of last resort to troubled nations.
| 3. | Boeing used to be the lender of last resort to an airline,
| 4. | Ex-Im was the " lender of last resort " for Caterpillar, he said.
| 5. | "The United States cannot be the world's lender of last resort,"
| 6. | Sometimes the lender of last resort has jumped the gun on the bank.
| 7. | The United States cannot be the lender of last resort to the world,
| 8. | But not everyone is eager to create a true international lender of last resort.
| 9. | As Doria says, " Make sure that you're the lender of last resort ."
| 10. | Transforming the sketch into a working lender of last resort will not be simple.